Pascal Giard, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at École de technologie supérieure (ETS), a member of the Université du Québec network.
I am actively looking for talented students interested in wireless communications, signal processing, and machine learning. Have a look at the Open Positions.
Old News
- Jan 2024: Our paper that proposes a low-latency decoding solution of shortened polar codes based on their automorphism groups has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Letters.
- Jul 2023: Our paper that explores the creation of LUT-based unrolled and pipelined decoders for polar codes has been accepted for publication at ITSC 2023. I will be presenting that work at the conference next September.
- Jun 2023: Grégoire DOMER joined the group for a semester as an undergrad research intern to work on partitioned successive-cancellation flip decoding of polar codes. Welcome Grégoire!
- Mar 2023:
- Our paper that proposes an early-detection scheme to reduce communications latency has been accepted for publication in the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.
- Our paper that introduces and investigates Partially-Symmetric Reed-Muller (PS-RM) codes, a family of polar codes yielding good performances under Automorphism Ensemble decoding, has been accepted for publication at IEEE ITW 2023. Charles will be presenting this work at the conference.
- Our paper that presents a simplfied restart mechanism for successive-cancellation flip decoding of polar codes has been accepted for publication at IEEE WCNC 2023. Ilshat will be presenting this work at the conference.
- Jan 2023: Gabriel OUAKNINE-BEAULIEAU joined the group as a Master’s student to work on the emulation of a Radio-Acoustical Virtual Environment and to analysing its added value, a project tied to the CRITIAS research chair.
- Dec 2022: Our paper on the design of polar-like codes for automorphism-based decoding has been accepted and prepublished in IEEE Communications Letters.
- Oct 2022: Daniel’s patch to add support for the GHL Xbox One dongle was merged into the out-of-tree xpad Linux module.
- Jul 2022: Charles PILLET joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Charles!
- Apr 2022:
- Gabriel released his application to the masses! It enables the use of the WiiU/PS3/PS4 Guitar Hero Live dongles on MS Win7+.
- Jose Enrique successfully completed his professional master. Congratulations Jose Enrique!
- Feb 2022:
- Marwa Tageldien ABDALLAH successfully defended her master thesis. Congratulations Marwa!
- Simon PICHETTE joined the group as a research assistant. Welcome Simon!
- Jan 2022:
- Gabriel OUAKNINE-BEAULIEU joined the group as an undergrad research intern to work on a Windows driver for the PS3/WiiU dongle for Guitar Hero Live.
- Ngoc NGUYEN THI THU successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Ngoc!
- Nov 2021:
- Tannaz KALATIAN successfully defended her master thesis. Congratulations Tannaz!
- My’s master thesis is now publicly available.
- Sep 2021: Amir Abbas MODIR successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations Amir!
- Aug 2021:
- I’m now Associate Editor for the Coding area of IEEE Communications Letters.
- Our patch adding support for the PS4 Guitar Hero Live dongles to the Linux kernel has been merged for inclusion in 5.15.
- Daniel’s proof-of-work application showing how to use the autocalibration hardware of the Rock Band 3 pro guitar is public.
- Jun 2021: Our paper on the design and implementation of a pseudo-random bit generation based on a hyperchaotic system has been prepublished.
- May 2021: Support for the PS4 Guitar Hero Live dongles has been added to our DKMS driver.
- Apr 2021: One student graduated, 3 students joined.
- Joel Poncha LEMAYIAN joined the group as a Ph.D. student to work on efficient proof-of-work algorithms suitable for IoT networks.
- Jose Enrique SALAIS SIGALA joined the group to do a master project to create a macOS driver for the PS3/WiiU dongle for Guitar Hero Live.
- Daniel NGUYEN joined the group as an undergrad research intern to work on the reverse engineering of the PS4 dongle for Guitar Hero Live.
- Huu-My NGUYEN succesfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations My!
- Jun 2020: Our paper on an early-stopping mechanism for DSCF decoding of polar codes has been accepted for publication at IEEE SiPS 2020.
- Jan 2020: The paper that presents our standalone FPGA-based miner for Lyra2REv2 cryptocurrencies has been accepted for publication in IEEE TCAS-I.
- Sep 2019: M32 officially announces our research collaboration.
- Jul 2019: Our paper on early detection for optimal-latency communications in multi-hop links has been accepted for publication at ISWCS 2019.
- Jun 2019: I am guest editor for an Hindawi Special Issue on Coding and Modulation Techniques for Beyond 5G.
- May 2019: I will be attending IEEE ISCAS 2019 in Sapporo, Japan.
- Mar 2019: Commented on pacemaker vulnerabilities to hacking for TVA Nouvelles in “Des défibrillateurs cardiaques vulnérables aux pirates informatiques”.
- Feb 2019: Made the VHDL implementation of our Lyra2 FPGA core for Lyra2REv2-based cryptocurrencies publically available. The corresponding paper, to appear at ISCAS 2019, can be found on here.
- Jan 2019:
- The LaCIME will hold its first Annual Congress (program and registration on Feb. 21st 2019.
- Paper on the hardware implementation of the Lyra2REv2 algorithm, used in various cryptocurrencies, has been accepted for publication at IEEE ISCAS 2019.
- I’m cited in a La Presse newspaper article about airport Wi-Fi security.
- Dec 2018: I will be attending ISTC 2018 in Hong Kong.
- Sep 2018: Paper on belief-propagation-based blind-detection methods for polar codes as well as on the tradeoffs between accuracy and complexity in blind detection of polar codes accepted at ISTC.
- Aug 2018:
- I started my new job as an associate professor at the electrical engineering department of École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS).
- Our extention proposal about polar codes for FPGA in ORCA, a H2020 project funded by the EU, has won!
- Jun 2018: Invited talk at Université de Neuchâtel (UniNE), Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie (hosted by Dr Hugues Mercier).
- May 2018: I will be associate professor at the electrical engineering department of École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) starting at the end of August!
- Apr 2018:
- NSERC Discovery grant approved!
- Invited talk at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Electrical engineering department.
- I will be attending IEEE WCNC in Barcelona, Spain.
- Jan 2018: Paper on faster successive-cancellation flip decoding of polar codes accepted at IEEE WCNC.